Flash Flood Early Warning System (FFEWS)
Flash Flood Early Warning System (FFEWS) is a prject funded by IFAD through LGED to develop a flash flood forecasting system for the north-east region of Bangladesh. The region is known for it’s production of Boro rice - a varient of rice that planted during winter and harvested during mid-April. The timing coincides with the pre-monsoon disturbences which produces sudden heavy rainfall over the Meghalaya, and subsequently flooding the crops just before harvesting.
We have developed a cascade modelling platform to predict such flooding, as well as relevant level estimate for triggering the flood warnings. The modelling system is currently being deployed at BWDB in DELFT-FEWS platform. An early version of the website, developed by me, for disseminating rainfall forecast can be accessed here.
The project is lead by Dr. AKM Saiful Islam at IWFM, BUET.
Publication list
Das, M.K., Das, S., Karmakar, S., Islam, A.K.M.S., Khan, M.J.U., Chowdhury, M.A.M. (2017) Simulation of dynamical features of squalls over Bangladesh during the Pre-monsoon season. Journal of NOAMI, 34 (1), pp 39-55
Roy, B, Islam, A.S., Islam,G.M.T., Bhattacharya, B., Ali, M.H., Khan, A.S., Hossain, M.S., Sarker, J.C. and Khan, M.J.U. (2019) Frequency Analysis of Flash Floods for Establishing New Danger Levels for the Rivers in the Northeast Haor Region of Bangladesh. Journal of Hydrological Engineering, 24(4), 05019004, doi:10.1061/%28ASCE%29HE.1943-5584.0001760
Das, M. K., Islam, A. K. M. S., Karmakar, S., Khan, M. J. U., Mohammed, K., Islam, G. M. T., Bala, S. K. & Hopson, T. M. Synoptic flow patterns and large-scale characteristics of flash flood-producing rainstorms over northeast Bangladesh, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019 pp. 1-30, doi:10.1007/s00703-019-00709-1